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Member Details
John Cockburn

Created: 6/2/2001
Updated: 11/16/2019
Visits: 3,473
Dr. John Cockburn
Scientific advisor

Partnership for Economic Policy (PEP)
931 rue Scott
Québec, Québec
Skype: jcockburn (ph)

Curriculum Vitae - John Cockburn

John Cockburn is PEP's Scientific Advisor. He was the executive director of PEP until 2013 and professor of economics at Université Laval in Québec to 2016. He has a PhD from Oxford University (Nuffield College and the CSAE) on child labor and schooling in rural Ethiopia and the impacts of trade liberalization in Nepal. His areas of specialization include child well-being, macro-micro modeling and poverty/inequality analysis. He has been providing training and technical support to developing country researchers since 1990.

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