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Member Details
Aloyce Kaliba

Created: 2/22/2002
Updated: 10/12/2012
Visits: 2,035
Dr. Aloyce Kaliba
Associate Professor

Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business, Southern University and A&M College
T.T. Allain Building Office # 115
P.O. Box 9723
Baton Rouge, LA 70813
United States
225 771 5952 (ph)
225 771 5262 (fx)

I am a Tanzania and a graduate of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania and Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. I dedicate my interest in development to Prof. David W. Norman of Kansas State University.

My professional skills, expertise and research interests include:
Impact assessment and Policy Analysis
-Use of social accounting matrices in economic multiplier models.
-Quantifying impact of trade and regional integration using CGE models.
-Distribution analysis and impact of public policies on poverty reduction.
Quantitative methods
-Application of spatial econometrics in marketing research.
-Application of entropy theory in econometrics and statistics.
-Application of transportation models in supply chain management.
-Develop risk management tools for small farms and business.

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