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Member Details
Andrew Mold

Created: 1/4/2006
Updated: 4/23/2018
Visits: 2,974
Dr. Andrew Mold
Acting Director

Sub-regional Office for Eastern Africa, United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
P.O.Box : 4654
Kigali 00000
250(0)252 586 548 (ph)
250(0) 252 586 546 (fx)

A Selection of Publications....

"Running up that Hill? The Challenges of Industrialisation in the East African Community", Development 58 (2017),

"Building Productive Capacities for Regional and Global Competitiveness: The Case of the East African Community" (with Rosemary Bagiza), Book Chapter for the African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2015 Volume 18, edited by Dr. Tobias Knedlik, University of Bremen, (2016)

“Commodity Prices and Export Performance in Sub-Saharan African Countries” (with Annalisa Prizzon) in Oliver Morrissey (ed), ‘Handbook on Trade and Development’, Oliver Morrissey, Ricardo Lopez and Kishor Sharma (Eds), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (May 2015).

South–South Trade Liberalisation as a Way of Reducing the Impact of the Financial Crisis? An Exploratory CGE Simulation” (with Annalisa Prizzon), Journal of International Development., 25, 1071–1084 (2013)

“Will it all end in Tears? Infrastructure spending and African development in historical perspective”, Journal of International Development, 24, pp. 237–254 (2012)

“Maddison’s forecasts revisited: What will the world look like in 2030” VoxEU, 24th October 2010, (31,693 downloads by January 2014).

“The Sectoral Drivers of Growth: A long term view of Latin American economic performance’, Cuardernos Económicos de ICE, No. 78, December 2009, pp. 117-142

"Taking Stock of the Credit Crunch: Implications for Development Finance and Global Governance," (with Sebastian Paulo & Annalisa Prizzon), 2009. OECD Development Centre Working Papers 277, OECD, Development Centre

“Gains from Trade: Implications for Labour Market Adjustment and Poverty Reduction in Africa” (with A.K. Fosu), African Development Review, African Development Review, VOL. 20 No. 1 April 2008, pages 20-48.

"EU Enlargement in a Changing World: Challenges for Development Cooperation in the 21st Century", (2007) (as editor), Amsterdam University Press (with collaborations from Gordon Crawford, Christian Freres, Marjorie Lister, Andrew McKay, Chris Milner, Oliver Morrissey, Roderick Pace, Sheila Page, Mirjam van Reisen and Christopher Stevens).

‘European Union Trade Policy and the Poor: Towards Improving the Poverty Impact of the GSP in Latin America’ (2007) in Wil Hout (ed) "EC Development Policy and Poverty Reduction: Enhancing Effectiveness", Ashgate Press.

“The Doha Development Round and Africa: Partial and General Equilibrium Analyses of Tariff Preference Erosion”, (with Mohamed Hedi Bchir, Stephen N. Karingi, Patrick N. Osakwe, y Mustapha Sadni Jallab), The Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2007, vol. 37, issue s1, pages 287-295.

“Pulling back from the Brink? Evaluations, options and Alternatives to the EPAs”, Real Instituto Elcano Working paper 33/2007, Madrid

“Non-Tariff Barriers and the Hong Kong Negotiations: How much of a Risk do Phytosanitary Controls Pose?”, Bridges, Year 9, No. 10, December 2005,

“Tackling the Commodity Price Problem - New Proposals and Revisiting Old Solutions” in Mareike Meyn (editor) (2005), African Development Yearbook 2005, Institute for World Economics and International Management (IWIM), University of Bremen.

“Liberalisation, growth and weflare – the ‘maquiliación’of the Mexican Economy” ; (with Carlos Rozo), in Kishor Sharma and Oliver Morrissey (editors) (2005), Trade, Growth and Poverty in Developing Countries, Chapter 12, Routledge, London.

“Taking Politics Out of Preferences: The Need for a New Deal for Africa”, Bridges, Year 9, No. 1, January 2005, ICTSD,

“Trade Preferences and Africa – State of Play and the Issues at Stake”, African Trade Policy Centre Working Paper No 12, March 2005, ECA, Addis Ababa.

“FDI and Poverty Reduction: A Critical Reappraisal of the Arguments”, Région et Développement, N

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