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GTAP Resource #3349

"A poverty module of the MIRAGE model of the world economy"
by Bouët, Antoine, David Laborde and Carmen Estrades

Poverty in developing countries can be directly impacted (either negatively or positively) by international shocks at the worldwide level, such as climate change, financial crises, volatility of world food prices, major trade agreements, large domestic policies in rich countries (e.g. agricultural domestic support, biofuel mandates…). It is therefore important to develop a consistent and detailed modeling instrument that allows understanding how poverty in developing countries reacts to these different shocks. This instrument has to be economically consistent, it has to tackle the economic mechanisms that lead to international transmission of major shocks and it has to provide a detailed representation of the characteristics of poverty in developing countries. Even when multiregional general equilibrium models allow analyzing the impact at a macro level, the effects on poverty are not fully captured.
The objective of this article is to develop a bottom-up poverty module of the MIRAGE model of the world economy in order to capture the effects on poverty at a national/regional level. A new version of this model will be developed and progressively enriched with disaggregation of households into 40-100 representative units (depending on the economic characteristics of the developing country and the quality of household survey), starting with three developing countries: Uruguay, Malawi and Nepal.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2010 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 13th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Penang, Malaysia
Date: 2011
Version: 1
Created: Bouët, A. (4/15/2010)
Updated: Bouët, A. (4/15/2010)
Visits: 3,462
- Economic analysis of poverty
- Dynamic modeling

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