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GTAP Resource #3477

"Introducing First and Second Generation Biofuels into GTAP Data Base version 7*"
by Taheripour, Farzad and Wally Tyner

The first version of GTAP-BIO Data Base was built based on the GTAP standard data base version 6 which represents the world economy in 2001 (Taheripour et al., 2007). That data base covers global production, consumption, and trade of the first generation of biofuels including ethanol from grains (eth1), ethanol from sugarcane (eth2), and biodiesel (biod) from oilseeds in 2001.

Version 7 of GTAP Data Base, which depicts the world economy in 2004, is now published (Narayanan, B.G. and T.L. Walmsley, 2008). However, this standard data base does not include biofuel industries explicitly. The first objective of this research memorandum is to introduce the first generation of biofuels into this new data base. To accomplish this task we will follow Taheripour et al. (2007).

The rapid expansion of the first generation of biofuels in the past decades has raised important concerns related to food-fuel competition, land use change, and other economic and environmental issues. These issues have increased interest in the second generation of biofuels which can be produced from cellulosic materials such as dedicated crops, agricultural and forest residues, and waste materials. To examine the economic and environmental consequences of the second generation of biofuels, a CGE model is an appropriate and essential instrument. A data base which presents the first and second generation of biofuels will facilitate research in this field. Hence the second objective of this research memorandum is to expand the space of biofuel alternatives to the second generation. Given that advanced cellulosic biofuels are not yet commercially viable, we used the most up to date information in this area to define the production technologies for these industries.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Research Memorandum
Status: Published
By/In: GTAP Research Memorandum No. 21
Date: 2011
Created: Alexander, M. (2/25/2011)
Updated: Batta, G. (2/28/2011)
Visits: 5,869
- Renewable energy
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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