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GTAP Resource #4330

"FlexAgg2 add-on for creating GTAP-AGR compatible database aggregations."
by Villoria, Nelson B.

FlexAgg2 add-on for creating GTAP-AGR compatible database aggregations.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Utilities
Status: Not published
Date: 2014
Created: Villoria, N. (2/20/2014)
Updated: Villoria, N. (2/20/2014)
Visits: 2,005
- Other data bases and data issues
- The GTAP Data Base and extensions

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Special Instructions
The programs here aggregate the GTAP-AGR parameters (134 regions, Version 8.1) to a desired level of aggregation.

The programs (gtapagr-agg.bat, gtapagr-run.bat and agraggpar.exe/axt/axs) and disaggregated GTAP_AGR parameters (AGRPRM.har) should be copied into a FlexAgg2 folder and run in the following way:

1. Create Aggregation as specified in mapping file my_agg using
FlexAgg2, i.e.:

..\: DATA-AGG my_agg

2. Then run the following command:

..\: GTAPAGR-AGG my_agg

Once that this is done, the file gsdgpar.har in the ./my_agg/ directory will reflect the changes required by

In addition to the parameter file (AGRPRM.har), the program gtapagr-agg.bat uses gsddat.har and gsdset.har for reading data volumes and set specifications needed for aggregation. It also needs
the aggcheck (.exe, .axt, .axs) to transform my_agg.txt in a header file with mappings. It also needs my_agg/gsdgpar.har to copy the modified headers. In other words, although the programs could work
after carefully getting this setup right, they are really designed as an after-processing add-on to FlexAgg2.


1. Because AGRPRM.har is disaggregated to 134 regions it will only work with Version 8.1. of the database and its associated FlexAgg2; the user could use these same programs in other GTAP/FlexAgg2 versions provided that AGRPRM.har is modified accordingly.

2. GTAP-AGR also use some non-standard sets. Because these are mostly over products, which do not change across database versions, I found more productive to hardwire them in the model tablo file written by Keeney and Hertel here. I also do the same with their regional groupings. Read the paper, though.


- GTAP-AGR is due to Keeney and Hertel, their model is here.

- is essentially a modification of a piece by Ludena that can be found here.

- To learn more about awesome FlexAgg2 click here.

The source code of this modifications is in the sub-folder /src_agr, within the zip file.

If you use these files, and find them helpful, send me a line.

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