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GTAP Resource #4632

"Global Energy and Climate Outlook: Road to Paris - Assessment of Low Emission Levels under World Action Integrating National Contributions"
by Vandyck, Toon, Bert Saveyn, Zoi Vrontisi, Alban Kitous, Ariane Labat and Miles Perry

Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), 194 countries took decisions in Copenhagen, Cancun, Durban and Doha in 2009-2012 to act on climate change: notably, all agreed to aim for the common goal to limit global temperature rise to below 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels; more than 90 countries took mitigation commitments until 2020; the Green Climate Fund was established with developed countries agreeing to mobilise US$ 100 billion private and public finance by 2020 for climate action.

This paper presents the impact of global climate change mitigation policies on the energy system and on the economy. The analyses combine the economic model GEM-E3 and the energy systems model POLES and focus on possible ways to deliver such global effort to stay below 2°C through processes established in the run-up to Paris COP21. The simulations study a combination of domestically determined mitigation targets for the period beyond 2020 inspired by the 2°C objectives, differentiated according to national capabilities and based on the most recent estimates of the effects of the current pre2020 pledges and policies. This paper also explores how a framework of international collaboration could enhance further the domestic mitigation contributions.

The GEM-E3 model is a recursive dynamic computable general equilibrium model which covers the interactions between the economy, the energy system and the environment. The model is calibrated to the 2004 base year of the GTAP 8 database. The data is aggregated to 21 sectors (incl. 3 energy resource sectors and 7 energy intensive sectors), and complemented with 10 power technologies. The global version of the GEM-E3 model is disaggregated to 25 regions, including the EU, the USA, Canada, Brazil, China, India, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Russia. The remaining countries are aggregated into regional groups.

[Full abstract available as pdf]

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2015 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Melbourne, Australia
Date: 2015
Created: Vandyck, T. (4/9/2015)
Updated: Vandyck, T. (5/27/2015)
Visits: 1,509
- Climate change policy

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