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GTAP Resource #5313

"The long term impact of climate change on forestry"
by Favero, Alice, Robert Mendelsohn and Brent Sohngen

It is well known that the forestry sector is sensitive to climate change but most studies have examined impacts only through 2100. Within this time frame, global forests are predicted to generally expand and become more productive which will be beneficial to the global timber supply. This study links the LPX-Bern Global Dynamic Vegetation Model with an extended version of the Global Timber Model in order to study climate change impacts out to 2250. This allows the study to examine much more extreme climate scenarios including warming to 9°C. Warming through 2150 appears to be beneficial, but as temperatures start to exceed 5°C, additional warming starts to be harmful to forestry.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: Other CGE Application
Status: Not published
Date: 2017
Created: Favero, A. (4/14/2017)
Updated: Batta, G. (5/8/2017)
Visits: 1,191
- Dynamic modeling
- Climate impacts
- Land use

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