- The long term impact of climate change on forestry by Favero, Alice, Robert Mendelsohn and Brent Sohngen Resource Type: Other CGE Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Climate impacts, Land use - Optimal timber management decisions in the face of future uncertainties by Sohngen, Brent, Alla Golub, Yongyang Cai, Thomas Hertel and John Kim Publication: Presented at the 20th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, West Lafayette, IN, USA Resource Type: 2017 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate impacts, Land use - The Impact of Cropland Productivity on Crop Prices, Deforestation, and Carbon Sequestration Costs by Choi, Sukwon, Brent Sohngen, Sara Ohrel and Jefferson Cole Publication: Presented at the 17th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Dakar, Senegal Resource Type: 2014 Conference Paper Keywords: Land use, Technological change, Food prices and food security, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Relative agricultural productivity and tropical deforestation by Rose, Steven, Alla Golub, Thomas Hertel and Brent Sohngen Publication: Presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Geneva, Switzerland Resource Type: 2012 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Climate change policy - Agricultural impacts of reduced tropical deforestation by Rose, Steven, Alla Golub, Brent Sohngen and Thomas Hertel Publication: Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy Resource Type: 2011 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Climate change policy - Extending the GTAP Family of Models: A Partial Equilibrium Approach to Measuring the Costs of Carbon Sequestration and Avoided Deforestation by Ohrel, Sara, Sukwon Choi and Brent Sohngen Publication: Presented at the 14th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Venice, Italy Resource Type: 2011 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies, Technological change, Climate change policy, The GTAP Data Base and extension... - Effects of GHG Mitigation Policies on Livestock Sectors by Golub, Alla, Benjamin Henderson, Thomas Hertel, Steven Rose, Misak Avetisyan and Brent Sohngen Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 62 Resource Type: Working Paper Keywords: Climate change policy - The Relative Role of Land in Climate Policy by Golub, Alla, Thomas Hertel, Steven Rose, Brent Sohngen and Misak Avetisyan Publication: Presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile Resource Type: 2009 Conference Paper Keywords: Climate change policy - Biofuels Mandates, Land Use and Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Golub, Alla, Thomas Hertel, Steven Rose and Brent Sohngen Publication: Presented at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland Resource Type: 2008 Conference Paper - The Role of Forestry in Carbon Sequestration in General Equilibrium Models by Sohngen, Brent, Alla Golub and Thomas Hertel Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 49 Resource Type: Working Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Calibration and parameter estimation - Land Use Modeling in Recursively-Dynamic GTAP Framework
by Golub, Alla, Thomas Hertel and Brent Sohngen Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 48 Resource Type: Working Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Dynamic modeling, Calibration and parameter estimation, The GTAP Data Base an... - Modeling Land-use Related Greenhouse Gas Sources and Sinks and their Mitigation Potential by Hertel, Thomas, Huey-Lin Lee, Steven Rose and Brent Sohngen Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 44 Resource Type: Working Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Calibration and parameter estimation - Global Forestry Data for the Economic Modeling of Land Use by Sohngen, Brent, Colleen Tennity, Marc Hnytka and Karl Meeusen Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 41 Resource Type: Working Paper Keywords: Climate change policy, Calibration and parameter estimation, The GTAP Data Base and extensions - Projecting Land-Use Change in the Dynamic GTAP Framework by Golub, Alla, Thomas Hertel and Brent Sohngen Publication: Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University, USA; Journal... Resource Type: 2007 Conference Paper - The Opportunity Cost of Land Use and the Global Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry by Golub, Alla, Thomas Hertel, Huey-Lin Lee, Steven Rose and Brent Sohngen Publication: GTAP Working Paper No. 36 Resource Type: Working Paper - Towards An Integrated Land Use Database for Assessing the Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation by Lee, Huey-Lin, Thomas Hertel, Brent Sohngen and Navin Ramankutty Publication: GTAP Technical Paper No. 25 Resource Type: Technical Paper Keywords: The GTAP Data Base and extensions