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GTAP Resource #5523

"Climate finance under a CGE framework: decoupling financial flows in GTAP database"
by Garaffa, Rafael, Bruno Cunha, Angelo Gurgel, Andre Lucena, Alexandre Szklo, Roberto Schaeffer and Pedro Rochedo

Climate finance flows include the investments required to limit global warming and to adapt to climate impacts.Recent advances in Computable General Equilibrium
(CGE) model hybridization techniques provide the necessary path to explore climate finance flows, in particular, a more detailed representations of the energy sector through soft-linking procedures with bottom-up models. This paper proposes a method to disaggregate capital flows from the current account balances in the GTAP database. The impacts of different greenhouse-gas (GHG) emission scenarios on green capital allocation can be tested. This is a particularly interesting feature, not only because it can help tracking climate finance in an stylized way, but as a way of exploring the soft linking procedures between CGE and bottom-up models.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2018 Conference Paper
Status: Published
By/In: Presented at the 21st Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Cartagena, Colombia
Date: 2018
Version: 1
Created: Garaffa, R. (4/13/2018)
Updated: Garaffa, R. (6/15/2018)
Visits: 2,122
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- Climate change policy
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