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GTAP Resource #6845

"An open-source version of the MANAGE model with a Graphical User Interface"
by Britz, Wolfgang, Hasan Dudu, Martin Aaroee Christensen, Mohammad M. Khabbazan, Lulit Mitik Beyene and Ragchaasuren Galindev

The MTI CGE team at the World Bank Group now provides an open-source version of its single country CGE MANAGE with a Graphical User Interface, shipped with a model documentation and all necessary files, including codes to derive a SAM for a country found in the GTAP Data Base, given a GTAP license. A matching default parameterization along with supplied recent GDP and demographic projections allows to develop long-run baselines in MANAGE for almost any country comprised in GTAP without further data. Such baselines also quantify emissions and Climate Change damages. Flexibility in the nesting of production functions and final demand, a rich set of tax instruments and a detailed government budget, including borrowing, render MANAGE an interesting model to analyze, for instance, scenarios related to Climate Change adaptation and mitigation or to tax reforms. A GAMS license is required for model runs, but not to explore existing results. A rich set of automatically generated reports support the analysis of results and reduce the need to familiarize in detail with model mnemonics.
An open-source version of a model provides transparency. It removes the risk of setting up and learning to use a model under restrictive Intellectual Property Rights for a specific project without a clear perspective of continued use. It allows third parties to scrutinize model equations, and not only the model documentation. It shares knowledge in a direct and accessible way. This is highly relevant for the World Bank Group, with its strong commitment to provide open data and support to good governance, to foster its aims to end extreme poverty and to promote shared prosperity in a sustainable way.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2023 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France)
Date: 2023
Created: Britz, W. (4/11/2023)
Updated: Britz, W. (4/11/2023)
Visits: 1,161
- Baseline development
- Model extension/development
- Software and modeling tools
- Climate impacts

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