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GTAP Resource #7222

"Where Did the Processing Export Relocate to? An Optimization-Method-based Identification"
by Gao, Xiang, Yu Zhao, Qingyan Jiang and Cuihong Yang

The international relocation of processing exports is regarded as a bellwether of the global production reconfiguration. However, straightforwardly identifying the host economies of processing exports is challenging because of the lack of data. Thus, the paper first proved that the continuously decreasing Domestic value-added share in gross export (DVASHGE) is a sufficient condition for identifying the host economies of processing production. Then, a constrained weighted least squares optimization is proposed for unfolding the changes of DVASHGE in each specific economy during the recent past, overcoming the limitations of the mainstream input-output-based method. The empirical findings show that Vietnam and the Philippines in Southeast Asia, Colombia in South America, and
Tunisia in North Africa are the host economies of processing production. The proposed optimizationmethod-based identification will provide an important reference for the global value chain studies centered on input-output-based indicators.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Created: Gao, X. (4/13/2024)
Updated: Gao, X. (4/13/2024)
Visits: 210
- Other data bases and data issues
- Foreign direct investment
- Supply chains

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