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GTAP Resource #7229

"Getting the best of two worlds? Combing single country data and the GTAP Data Base for work with MANAGE-WB"
by Britz, Wolfgang, Lulit Mitik Beyene, Alhassane Camara, Martin Aaroee Christensen, Mei Mei Aileen Lam, Ragchaasuren Galindev, Noe Nicolas Reidt and Jan Witajewski-Baltvilks

This paper details how GTAP Data are used to construct a SAM or complement SAMs
for use with the World Bank’s MANAGE-WB model. It discusses pros and cons of using
a harmonized, ready-to-use global database versus building a single country SAM
bottom up. The main advantage of the GTAP database for single country CGE work is
that a SAM can be made available instantaneously for now around 140 countries,
combined with relatively high commodity and factor detail, and the harmonized link
to satellite data on emissions and land use. Dis-advantages compared to a bottom-up
approach are a potential larger statistical time gap, corrections to observed trade and
other statistics at country level to achieve global consistency and potentially missing
detail for products in the focus of a specific project. The team around MANAGE-WB
therefore uses a mixed approach, where GTAP data might be corrected or updated
based on newer macro data if construction of a SAM bottom-up is not possible. GTAP
data also play an important role in case a SAM is constructed from other data. GTAP
data can provide information to split up certain transactions, for instance to introduce
detail on power generation, and delivers emission inventories or data on land use.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 1
Created: Beyene, L. (4/13/2024)
Updated: Beyene, L. (4/13/2024)
Visits: 350
- Climate change policy
- Land use
- Renewable energy
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Other data bases and data issues
- Partial and general equilibrium models
- Not Applicable

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