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GTAP Resource #7253

"Productivity Gains in the Cerrado: Impact on Food Consumption in Brazil"
by Wolf, Rayan, Elisagela Gelatti, Angelo Gurgel and Geraldo Martha

This research shedds light on the mechanisms through which changes in agricultural productivity in the Center-West reverberate across different social layers in Brazil. Specifically, evaluate the impacts of productivity gains from Cerrado agriculture on international trade and food consumption by different income classes of Brazilian families. To this end, a Global Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Model for the Brazilian Economy - PAEG is used. In this way, this study aims to contribute to the scientific body of knowledge and provide subsidies to guide public policies, strategies and agricultural practices that promote more equitable and sustainable food consumption and distribution throughout the country. Furthermore, they increase the international competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness and reinforce food security.

The results emphasize the importance of the Central-West Cerrado in food consumption in Brazilian regions and in Brazil's GDP. Even though the shock values are modest, the impacts in terms of GDP are significant. It is important to note that the favorable results presented in all scenarios are the result of policies in just one sector (agriculture) and mostly in the Central-West region. These positive results are supported by the impacts generated on private consumption (in response to lower production costs) and exports. The three policies analyzed have the potential to, together, increase Brazilian GDP by R$1.5 billion in the medium term, a considerable impact when dealing with a single region and only in the primary sector (i.e. agriculture).

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: 2024 Conference Paper
Status: Not published
By/In: Presented during the 27th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Fort Collins, Colorado, USA)
Date: 2024
Version: 1
Created: Gelatti, E. (4/14/2024)
Updated: Gelatti, E. (4/14/2024)
Visits: 365
- GTAP Data Base and extensions
- Agricultural policies
- Food prices and food security
- Transportation
- Supply chains
- Model extension/development
- South America

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