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GTAP Resource #935

"Assessment of the Usefulness of GTAP for the Analysis of Environmental Issues in a Multi Region Context"
by Brockmeier, Martina, Yves Surry and Frank van Tongeren

Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models are increasingly utilised to analyse environmental policies in recent years. Particularly the economic assessment of global environmental issues are more and more based on these kind of frameworks. How can this popularity be explained? Global environmental problems are of transborder nature. In addition, the policies and regulations established to cope with most of these environmental problems (e.g. CO2 tax) affect the whole national economy through intersectoral linkages and repercussions as well as other economies through trade flows. Accordingly, a tool is advantageous that captures linkages between all sectors and agents of the economy and world wide bilateral trade flows. Characteristics like these are indeed inherent in global multi country CGE models, but are they sufficient to enable sophisticated analysis of environmental issues?
Given this background, the paper aims to assess the current applications of CGE models and the GTAP model in particular to global environmental issues based on the following structure. Chapter 2 presents a brief overview of currently discussed environmental policy issues which form the environmental modeling potential. This is succeeded by Chapter 3 that explains how the analysis of environmental issues is handled in the standard and extended versions of the GTAP model. Chapter 4 evaluates the ability of GTAP to handle environmental issues.

Resource Details (Export Citation) GTAP Keywords
Category: GTAP Application
Status: Published
Date: 2000
Created: Brockmeier, M. (2/19/2002)
Updated: Dimaranan, B. (2/21/2002)
Visits: 2,912
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