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Member Details
Frank van Tongeren

Created: 9/20/2000
Updated: 4/30/2024
Visits: 8,758
Dr. Frank van Tongeren
free electron

28 rue de Meudon
Boulogne-Billancourt 92100
+33628331817 (ph)

Frank has rich experience in model- based analysis of trade and trade policies, including non-tariff measures, international regulatory co-operation, trade in raw materials as well as in agricultural policy design and policy monitoring. Economic modelling is central in his research. Between 2006 - 2024 he was with the OECD in Paris where he led policy analysis and modelling in the Directorate for Trade and Agriculture. His team developed the OECD trade model METRO.

Before joining the OECD he has worked at the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI, now Wageningen Economic Research) and at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

He received his PhD (dr.) in Economics from Erasmus University Rotterdam in 1993 (Microsimulation of the corporate firm: exploring micro-macro economic relations, Berlin etc.: Springer, Series Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems No, 427, 1995).

Frank has worked with government officials, international organisations and academics in many OECD and non-OECD countries. He has held associate, visiting and lecturing positions at various academic institutions, including Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing; Mansholt Graduate School, Wageningen; the Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University, Melbourne; ESSEC Business School, Paris. He has lectured on microeconomics, economic modelling and on international trade policy for varied target groups, including in GTAP short courses.

Frank served as a GTAP board member since 1996, first on behalf of LEI and now on behalf of OECD, and in 1999 he received the Alan A. Powell Award, Recognising outstanding services on the GTAP Advisory Board.

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