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Biography Qualification PhD (Economics of Development), 1994, Australian National University; Master of Economics of Development, 1989, Australian National University; Graduate Diploma (Econ. of Dev.), 1988, Australian National University; and Bsc (Physics), 1982, The Beijing Normal University, P. R. China. Work experience: Jul 2001-present: Senior Research Fellow, Centre of Policy Studies, Monash University, Melbourne Jun 1999-Jun 2001:Research Fellow, East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore 1998-May 1999: Senior Economist, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE), Canberra 1995-1997: Principal Research Officer, ABARE, Canberra 1994: Senior Research Officer, ABARE, Canberra 1993: Associate Lecturer, School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Sydney Selected Publication Mai, Y., M. Horridge, and F. Perkins, 2003, 'Estimating the Effects of China's accession to the World Trade Organisation', paper to be presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis June 12-14 2003, Scheveningen, The Hague, The Netherlands. Mai, Y. 2002, "An analysis of EU anti-dumping cases against China", Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 9(2):131-150. Mai, Y. 2002, "The Petroleum Sector After China's Entry Into the WTO" China Perspectives, No. 41 pp.24-32. Mai, Y. 2001, "China's WTO Entry and Reform of SOEs", in Li Xuesong and Arjan Lejour eds., WTO Membership and Prospects of Chinese Economy, China Financial Publishing House, Beijing. Wong, J., Mai, Y. and Luo, Q. 1999, 'Sino-US Trade Accord and China's Accession to the World Trade Organization', EAI Contemporary China Series No. 27, East Asian Institute, Singapore. Stevenson, A., Schneider, K., Mai, Y., and Stuart, R. 1998, 'Trade liberalisation in APEC - impacts on energy markets', in Outlook 98, Proceedings of National Agricultural and Resources Outlook conference, Canberra, 3-5 February, Vol.3, Minerals and energy, ABARE, Canberra, pp.95-102. Mai, Y., and F. Perkins 1997, China's State Owned Enterprises - Nine Case Studies, Briefing Paper Series, No. 7, East Asia Analytical Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia. Donovan, D., and Mai, Y. 1996, 'APEC trade liberalisation: the effect of increased capital mobility', Australian Commodities, Vol.3, No.4, ABARE, Canberra. Mai, Y., Wofffenden, K., Hanslow, K. and Vanzetti, D. 1996, `APEC trade liberalisation: implications for the European Union', Conference Proceedings, VIIIth European Association of Agriculture Economics Congress, Edinburgh, 3-7 September. Podbury, T., Ladlow, S., Mai, Y., Atisuthaphot, A. and Rose, R. 1996, `Implications of APEC for Australian Agriculture', in Outlook 96, Proceedings of National Agricultural and Resources Outlook conference, Canberra, 6-8 February, Vol. 2, Agriculture, ABARE, Canberra, pp.29-38. Mai, Y. 1994, `The role of policy in industrial upgrading in Asian NIEs: an introduction', in China in the 1990s: Dissertation Research 1988-1993, National Centre for Development Studies, Canberra. Cabalu, H., J. Laursen, D. Pearce, D. Vincent, and Y. Mai, 1991, The Asian Model, NCDS Working Paper No.91/14, National Centre for Development Studies, Australian National University. |
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Last Modified: 4/11/2020 3:48:42 PM