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Steven Rose

Created: 3/17/2004
Updated: 1/17/2012
Visits: 6,653
Dr. Steven Rose
Senior Research Economist

EPRI (Electric Power Research Institute), Energy and Climate Analysis Research Group
2000 L Street NW
Suite 805
Washington, DC 20036
United States
202-293-6183 (ph)

Steven is a senior economist in the Global Climate Change Research Group of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). His research focuses on the economics of land-use and bioenergy as it relates to domestic and international climate change policy, and on long-run modeling of climate change drivers, mitigation, and potential risks. He recently served as a technical advisor to U.S. policy-makers. has been actively engaged in a number of scientific assessments (e.g., Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, The International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development, and the Global Energy Assessment). Steven does research at a variety of modeling scales, from bottom-up mitigation cost estimates to global modeling of bio-physical and economic systems and interactions. He was a lead author for the IPCC’s Forth Assessment Report on the topic of long-term land-use modeling and the IPCC’s recent report on the development of new scenarios. In addition, he chairs the land modeling subgroup of Stanford University’s Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) and was the lead author for the EMF report on the role of land-based greenhouse gas mitigation in climate stabilization. Current research focuses on improving the global modeling of the opportunity costs of land and land-based mitigation in order to better estimate the cost of land based GHG mitigation and the supply of bioenergy feedstocks. Steven has also done recent work on the marginal benefits of reducing GHG emissions. Steven has published in the areas of land management, renewable energy financing, environmental resource competition, and greenhouse gas mitigation. He received his doctorate from Cornell University where he wrote about public lands management and environmental public goods.

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