
I-O Table Submission
Notes on procedures
Format specifications
Problem areas
What to send us?
What do we check?

GTAP Data Bases: Format Specifications

There are two formats in which GTAP tables may be submitted, 1) the new unified version, and 2) the original version. We also provided tables showing how the two formats are linked (see below), and a utility to move from the old to the new format (visit the Utilities page).

A table is also available which shows the relationship between the original format and the GTAP Data Base.

1) New Unified Version - Arrays for single-region I-O (An alternative view of the format is also provided)
UF 2g+3, g+5 Usage of input i in use u, commodity tax excluded
UP 2g+3, g+5   Usage of input i in use u, commodity tax inclusive
OP g Output of sector i, non-commodity indirect tax included
MF g Imports of commodity i, import duties excluded
SSET g Sector names
SMAP gg Map from standard GTAP sectors
g   Number of sectors in your table
gg   Number of sectors in GTAP standard sectoral classification

Source: Huff, McDougall and Walmsley (2000)

2) Original Version - Arrays for single-region I-O
AI01 g×g Intermediate usage of domestic products, by commodity and industry
AI02 g×g Intermediate usage of imports, by commodity and industry
AI03 g Investment usage of domestic products, by commodity
AI04 g Investment usage of imports, by commodity
AI05 g Household consumption of domestic products, by commodity
AI06 g Household consumption of imports, by commodity
AI07 g Government consumption of domestic products, by commodity
AI08 g Government consumption of imports, by commodity
AI09 g Change in stocks of domestic products, by commodity
AI10 g Change in stocks of imports, by commodity
AI11 g Exports, by commodity
AI12 g Non-commodity indirect taxes, net, by industry
AI13 g Employment of labor, by industry
AI14 g Employment of capital, by industry
AI15 g Employment of land, by industry
AI16 g×g Commodity tax on intermediate usage of dom products by commodity and industry
AI17 g×g Commodity tax on intermediate usage of imports, by commodity and industry
AI18 g Commodity tax on household consumption of domestic products, by commodity
AI19 g Commodity tax on household consumption of imports, by commodity
AI20 g Commodity tax on investment usage of domestic products, by commodity
AI21 g Commodity tax on investment usage of imports, by commodity
AI22 g Commodity tax on government usage of domestic products, by commodity
AI23 g Commodity tax on government usage of imports, by commodity
AI24 g Commodity tax on exports, by commodity
AI25 g Commodity tax on change in stocks of domestic products, by commodity
AI26 g Commodity tax on change in stocks of imports, by commodity
AI27 g Import duty, by commodity
SSET g Sector names
SMAP gg Map from standard GTAP sectors

Source: Calder et al. (1993)

Link Between Versions 1) and 2) Matrix of Pre-commodity-tax Usage Values (UF)
SECT Investment Consumption Government Change in Stocks Exports
DSECT AI01 AI03 AI05 AI07 AI09 AI11
MSECT AI02 AI04 AI06 AI08 AI10 0
Labor AI13 0 0 0 0 0
Capital AI14 0 0 0 0 0
Land AI15 0 0 0 0 0

Matrix of Post-commodity-tax Usage Values (UP)
SECT Investment Consumption Government Change in Stocks Exports
DSECT AI01+AI16 AI03+AI20 AI05+AI18 AI07+AI22 AI09+AI25 AI11+AI24
MSECT AI02+AI17 AI04+AI21 AI06+AI19 AI08+AI23 AI10+AI26 0
Labor AI13 0 0 0 0 0
Capital AI14 0 0 0 0 0
Land AI15 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Huff, McDougall and Walmsley (2000)