GTAP Network: Member Display
Member Details
Created: 1/14/2020
Updated: 1/14/2020
Visits: 1,236
Nyambaatar Batbayar
Economic Research Institute
2nd Khoroo, 24-91
Khan-uul District
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia 17032
+97688385688 (ph)
Curriculum Vitae - Nyambaatar Batbayar
Mr. Nyambaatar Batbayar holds a BA degree in International Economics from the National University of Mongolia and a MSc degree in Economic Analysis from Corvinus University of Budapest. He has been working as a researcher at the Economic Research Institute since 2017. His favorite research areas include macroeconomics and CGE modeling.
Interest Areas
GTAP-Related Resources
- Impact of Revival Policy for Public Sector Productivity by Batbayar, Nyambaatar, Oyunzul Tserendorj and Enkhsaikhan Usny-Ekh Publication: Presented during the 26th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Bordeaux, France) Resource Type: 2023 Conference Paper Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Model extension/development, Domestic policy analysis, Economic development, Techn... - Impact of Fiscal Consolidation on the Mongolian Economy by Tserendorj, Oyunzul, Tsolmon Baatarzorig, Ragchaasuren Galindev, Delgermaa Begz, Nyambaatar Batbayar and Unurjargal Davaa Publication: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2020 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development, Calibration and parameter estimation, Model validation and sensitivity analysi... - Assessing threats to Mongolia’s economic recovery by Batbayar, Nyambaatar, Ragchaasuren Galindev, Tsolmon Baatarzorig and Oyunzul Tserendorj Publication: Presented during the 23rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis (Virtual Conference) Resource Type: 2020 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development, Dynamic modeling, Economic growth, Foreign direct investment, Domestic policy ...
Last Modified: 4/11/2020 2:48:42 PM