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Member Details
Ahmed Qadry Bahloul

Created: 3/6/2008
Updated: 5/1/2013
Visits: 1,748
Dr. Ahmed Qadry Bahloul
Professor of Agricultural Economics

Zagazig University
Faculty of Technology and Development
Zagazig, Sharkia 44519
002055-2351238 (ph)
002-0552365617 (fx)

Curriculum Vitae - Ahmed Qadry Bahloul

Dr. Bahloul experience combines trade and agricultural development policies in Egypt, agro-food marketing research, marketing plan, and environmental economics. His interdisciplinary background comprises Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. in agricultural economics, and a practical experience in the fields of M&E, policy impact assessment, sustainability monitoring, surveys, agricultural development modeling, agribusiness, statistical analysis, education quality assurance and accreditation, technical vocational education and training (TVET), and Education quality and strategic planning Training.
He has more than Twenty four years of professional experience as faculty staff, professor, researcher, and consultant. He has worked at different positions in the fields of faculty staff, research, and consultancy and training institutions.
Dr. Bahloul’s experience at the national level in M&E was obtained when he participated as an economist and evaluation specialist in Economic Growth Results Reporting Support Activity Project /USAID funded project and as agricultural economist with the Water Boards Project funded jointly by NEDA and KFW located in the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation.
Dr. Bahloul worked as a research analyst for the International Food Policy Research Institute-Food Security Research Project for one year. During this period he conducted many computer-based analyses of data, supervising the IFPRI Egypt Wheat Producer Survey, and other activities such as: acting as a Chief of Party and conducting some translation.
It is worth to mention that Dr. Bahloul worked as consultant twice with the Agricultural Policy Reform (Abt Associate Inc.-MVE Unit). The first assignment was in the Producer Survey and the second was in the Cotton Trade Survey.
Dr. Bahloul provided training to a large number of enumerators and their supervisors in areas of sampling surveys, data collection, participatory rural assessment and data quality improvement in the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and the Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation. He is the coordinator of Training Unit for Zagazig University Quality Management Canter. He is a trainer in the NAQAAE in Egypt for the education quality and strategic planning training courses since 2009.
Dr. Bahloul published 32 refereed articles, covering agricultural policy, rural human development, agricultural trade, and policy impact assessment based on Social Accounting Matrix.
As consultant since 1997, Dr. Bahloul participated in providing technical assistance and team member to USAID-funded projects, NEDA, and KFW-funded, and JICA projects. His work has comprised direct contacts, and work relationships with different ministries, national agencies, business firms especially in the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, The Egyptian Ministry of Trade and Supply, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, NAQAAE.
Dr. Bahloul had experience in planning in Kingdom of Saudi Arabian and GCC through his work as economic expert in The Ministry of Economy and Planning in KSA.

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