Course Catalog

GTAP University (GTAP-U): Short Courses in Dynamic Global Trade Analysis

GTAP Book This page provides an indicative list of resources and background material to the dynamic GTAP Model - including multi-region models, long-run closures, and dynamic modeling theories and techniques.

Multi-Region GTAP Framework
The standard multi-region GTAP framework is documented in Global Trade Analysis: Modeling and Applications, T.W. Hertel (ed.), published in the Spring of 1997 by Cambridge University Press.

This book may be ordered from Cambridge University Press or from online book retailers, such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Long-Run Closures
Participants are also encouraged to review sample GTAP applications using long-run closure mechanisms, in particular:
An introduction to the GDyn model and some applications may be found in the following papers:
PDF file Hands-on Computing with RunGDyn: An Introduction to GDyn
        by Walmsley, Terrie and Ken Itakura

Participants will need a copy of Gempack.

This list is not restrictive. You are welcome to search for more applications in the GTAP Resource Center.