GTAP Resources: Resource List
Listing | Resource |
1. | 2012 The Egyptian Trade Policy Strategy of Development and The Global Trading System in The WTO Era (#4260) by Bahloul, Ahmed Qadry Publication: Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 22, No.1, March 2012. Publication Year: 2012 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Economic development, Africa (North), Middle East |
2. | 2019 United Nations General Assembly: World Leaders Must Act Now to Restore Nature for A Secure Economic Future (#5937) by Roxburgh, Toby, Thomas Hertel, Steve Polasky, Justin Johnson, Uris Lantz Baldos and Chris Nootenboom Publication: WWF-UK Publication Year: 2019 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Climate impacts, Trade and the environment |
3. | A Baseline Scenario for the Dynamic GTAP Model (#2204) by Walmsley, Terrie Publication Year: 2006 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Baseline development |
4. | A bayesian alternative to generalized cross entropy solutions for underdetermined econometric models (#3014) by Heckelei, Thomas, Torbjorn Jansson and Ron Mittelhammer Publication Year: 2009 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation |
5. | A Bold Millenium Round: Some Signposts for Trade and Welfare Gains from Comprehensive Multisector Reforms (#637) by Rae, Allan, Srikanta Chatterjee and Shamim Shakur Publication: Presented to 7th International Convention of the East Asian Economic Association, Sin... Publication Year: 2000 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
6. | A CGE Assessment of Regulatory Integration between EU and Turkey (#1668) by Zahariadis, Yiannis Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Trade in services, European Union |
7. | A CGE Model and policy making for Uzbekistan: notes and examples (#2670) by Muradova, Khusnia Publication Year: 2008 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Economic development, Calibration and parameter estimation |
8. | A compendium of barriers to services trade (#2504) by Dee, Philippa Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Trade in services |
9. | A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Agricultural Liberalisation: The Uruguay Round and Common Agricultural Policy Reform (#92) by Blake, Adam, A.J. Rayner and Geoffrey Reed Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol 50 No. 3, pp. 400-424 Publication Year: 1999 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
10. | A Dynamic CGE Model of R&D Based Growth in the U.S. Economy: An Experiment Using the New Growth Theory (#134) by Diao, Xinshen and Terry Roe Publication: Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the International Agricultural Trade Researc... Publication Year: 1996 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling |
11. | A Dynamic CGE Treatment of the Ban on UK Beef Exports: A Note (#1957) by Philippidis, George and Lionel Hubbard Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56(2), pp307-312 Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: European Union |
12. | A Dynamic Evaluation of the Effects of A Free Trade Area of the Americas -- An Intertemporal, Global General Equilibrium Model (#889) by Diao, Xinshen and Agapi Somwaru Publication: Journal of Regional Integration Publication Year: 2001 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Dynamic modeling, North America, South America |
13. | A Dynamic Evaluation of the Effects of Western Hemisphere Integration on US Economy (#70) by Diao, Xinshen and Agapi Somwaru Publication: Regional Trade Agreements and US Agriculture. USDA/ERS Agriculture Economic Report No... Publication Year: 1998 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling |
14. | A Dynamic General Equilibrium Analysis of Japanese & Korean Immigration (#3244) by Phillips, Kerk Publication Year: 2010 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Labor market issues, Dynamic modeling, Calibration and parameter estimation, Asia (Ea... |
15. | A Flexible Modeling Framework to Estimate Interregional Trade Patterns and Input-Output Accounts
(#1285) by Canning, Patrick and Zhi Wang Publication: Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, The Hague, The Ne... Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2003 Conference Paper Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation |
16. | A Foresight Study of European East-West Agrifood Trade Options (#5647) by Philippidis, George, Siemen van Berkum, Ana Isabel Sanjuan Lopez, Andrzej Tabeau and Monika Verma Publication: German Journal of Agricultural Economics Publication Year: 2018 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Baseline development, Agricultural policies, Domestic policy analysis, Non-Tariff bar... |
17. | A Forward Looking Analysis of the Doha Round (#1244) by Francois, Joseph, Hans van Meijl and Frank van Tongeren Publication: Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, The Hague, The Ne... Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2003 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development |
STRATEGIES BETWEEN SSA & EU (#4286) by Chikhuri, Krishna Publication: International Journal of Strategic Organization and Behavioural Science Publication Year: 2013 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Baseline development, Agricultural policies, Africa (Southern) |
19. | A General Equilibrium Analysis of Australia Providing Duty Free Access on Goods Imported from Least Developed Countries (#1298) by Zhang, Xiaoguang and George Verikios Publication: Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, The Hague, The Ne... Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2003 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Domestic policy analysis |
20. | A General Equilibrium Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Tourism (#1479) by Berrittella, Maria, Andrea Bigano, Roberto Roson and Richard Tol Publication: Presented at the 7th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Washington DC, US... Publication Year: 2004 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2004 Conference Paper |
21. | A General Equilibrium Analysis of Japan's Rice Tariffication (#1133) by Kagatsume, Masaru, Ching-Cheng Chang and Chia-Hsuan Wu Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Publication Year: 2002 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, Agricultural policies |
22. | A General Equilibrium Assessment of the Uruguay Round with Trade-related Externalities (#117) by Yang, Yongzheng Publication: in D. Robertson (ed.), East Asian Trade After the Uruguay Round, Cambridge University... Publication Year: 1997 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
23. | A Household Level Analysis of the Pakistan–Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (#5688) by Khan, Muhammad Aamir, Qaisar Mehmood, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain and Muhammad Zakaria Publication: Journal of Asian and African Studies Publication Year: 2018 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Non-Tariff barriers, Preferential trading arrangements, The GTAP Data Base and extens... |
24. | A Hybrid Energy-Economy Model for Global Integrated Assessment of Climate Change, Carbon Mitigation and Energy Transformation (#4864) by Cai, Yiyong, David Newth, John Finnigan and Don Gunasekera Publication: Applied Energy Publication Year: 2015 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Climate change policy, Climate impacts |
25. | A Hybrid Production Structure in Trade: Theory and Implications (#3178) by Das, Gouranga Publication: International Review of Economics, August 2009, Springer-Verlago Publication Year: 2009 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, Economic development, Labor market issues |
26. | A Korea-Japan FTA: Economic Effects and Policy Implications (#1094) by Cheong, Inkyo Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Publication Year: 2002 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Preferential trading arrangements, Asia (East) |
27. | A MACROECONOMIC BASELINE WITH STRUCTURAL CHANGE (#1837) by Chateau, Jean, Philip Bagnoli and Sebnem Sahin Publication: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2005 Conference Paper Keywords: Baseline development |
28. | A model for consumers’ preferences for Novel
Protein Foods and environmental quality (#2837) by Zhu, Xueqin and Ekko van Ierland Publication: Economic Modelling Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
29. | A modified GTAP-E model for climate change and trade policy analysis (#3379) by Antimiani, Alessandro, Valeria Costantini, Chiara Martini, Luca Salvatici and Maria Cristina Tommasino Publication Year: 2010 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Climate change policy |
30. | A multi-scale, multi-model approach for analyzing the future dynamics of European land use. (#2842) by Verburg, Peter, Bas Eickhout and Hans van Meijl Publication: Annals of Regional Science, 42(1): 57-77 Publication Year: 2008 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
31. | A New Look at the Impact of Migration on the Wage Differential (#971) by Chang, Hsiao-Chuan Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Publication Year: 2002 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Labor market issues |
32. | A New Regional Household Demand System for GTAP (#703) by McDougall, Robert Publication: Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Purdue University... Publication Year: 2001 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2001 Conference Paper |
33. | A New Representation of Agriculture Production Technology in GTAP (#1403) by Huang, Hsin Publication Year: 2004 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation |
34. | A Re-evaluation of Tariffs Facing Exporters of Processed Food:
Implications for Trade Liberalization
oa (#1064) by Gehlhar, Mark Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Publication Year: 2002 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Agricultural policies |
35. | A Review of Armington Trade Substitution Elasticities (#1148) by Mcdaniel, Christine and Edward J. Balistreri Publication: Joint Publication: Integration and Trade 7(18) p.161-173; and Economie International... Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Calibration and parameter estimation |
36. | A review of foreign business management in China (#4029) by Yang, Gracy, Ben Tipton and Jiatao Li Publication: Asia Pacific Journal of Management Publication Year: 2011 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Other data bases and data issues |
37. | A South-South Survival Strategy
The potential for trade among developing countries
(#1830) by Fugazza, Marco and David Vanzetti Publication: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2005 Conference Paper |
38. | Abolition of Raw Milk Quota in the EU – A Simulation (#2127) by Lips, Markus Publication: EuroChoices Publication Year: 2006 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Agricultural policies, European Union |
39. | Abolition of Raw Milk Quota in the European Union: A CGE Analysis at the Member Country Level (#1671) by Lips, Markus and Peter Rieder Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics, 56(1), pp 1-17 Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Agricultural policies, European Union |
40. | Absorption Capacity, Structural Similarity and Embodied Technology Spillovers in a 'Macro' Model: An Implementation Within the GTAP Framework (#800) by Das, Gouranga and Alan Powell Publication: Centre of Policy Studies and the Imct Projectoans Publication Year: 2000 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Technological change, Calibration and parameter estimation |
41. | Absorptive Capacity and Structural Congruence: The Binding Constraints on the Acquisition of Technology-An Analytical Survey of the Underlying Issues (#1157) by Das, Gouranga Publication: The Korean Journal of Policy Studies,Seoul National University Publication Year: 2001 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
42. | Adaptation and World Market Effects of Climate Change on Forestry and Forestry Products (#1741) by Rive, Nathan, H. Asbjørn Aaheim and Karen E. Hauge Publication: Presented at the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Lübeck, Germany Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2005 Conference Paper |
43. | AEC Vision Post-2015: Is an ASEAN Customs Union Feasible? (#5120) by Basu Das, Sanchita, Rahul Sen and Sadhana Srivastava Publication: ISEAS Economics Working Paper No.2015-1 Publication Year: 2015 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Economic development, Economic growth, Preferential trading arrangements, Asia (South... |
44. | Africa Beyond 2005: Understanding the Impact of Eliminating NTBs and Tariffs on Textiles and Clothing (#1286) by Rivera, Sandra A., Laurie-Ann Agama and Judith Dean Publication: Presented at the 6th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, The Hague, The Ne... Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2003 Conference Paper Keywords: Trade in textiles and wearing apparel |
45. | African Trade Liberalization, Vulnerability and Pro-Poor Growth (#4120) by Minor, Peter and Brian Mureverwi Publication: Presented at the 16th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Shanghai, China Publication Year: 2013 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2013 Conference Paper Keywords: Economic analysis of poverty, Agricultural policies, Food prices and food security, P... |
46. | After the Uruguay Round: Global Challenges and Selected African Responses (#145) by Hertel, Thomas, William Masters and Aziz Elbehri Publication: Paper presented to the thirty-second meeting of the UN Economic Commission for Africa... Publication Year: 1997 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
47. | Agenda 2000 reform of the CAP: Impacts on Member States: A Note (#1954) by Philippidis, George and Lionel Hubbard Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54, (3), pp479-486 Publication Year: 2003 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Agricultural policies, European Union |
48. | Aggregation of Tariff-Rate Quotas (#1857) by Lips, Markus and Peter Rieder Publication: German Journal of Agricultural Economics, 54(5), pp 265-267 Publication Year: 2005 Resource Type: GTAP Application |
49. | Aggregation of Tariff-Rate Quotas within GTAP Sectors (#981) by Lips, Markus and Peter Rieder Publication: Presented at the 5th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Taipei, Taiwan Publication Year: 2002 Resource Type: GTAP Application, 2002 Conference Paper Keywords: Domestic policy analysis, Calibration and parameter estimation |
50. | Agricultural and Economy-Wide Effects of European Enlargement: Modelling the Common Agricultural Policy (#709) by Bach, Christian Friis, Soren Frandsen and Hans Grinsted Jensen Publication: Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 51, No. 2 May, 2000. Publication Year: 2000 Resource Type: GTAP Application Keywords: Agricultural policies |
Last Modified: 3/17/2016 2:02:05 PM